US Fight against Climate Change

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The National Climate Assessment has recently highlighted the grave impacts of climate change on every region in the United States. This warning has been mirrored by President Biden, who cautions that these effects will only intensify and lead to increased expenses in the future. Alarmingly, the U.S. is warming at a rate 60% faster than the global average, which is leading to more costly weather disasters and larger issues looming on the horizon.

The report underscores the varying impacts of climate change across the nation. It stress that climate change has differential effects on individuals’ safety, health, and income. Particularly, minority and Native American communities find themselves disproportionately at risk.

The burning of coal, oil, and gas has been directly attributed as the cause of climate change in the assessment. The report warns that the United States is projected to warm 40% more than the rest of the world in the future if current trends continue.

Climate change is also escalating the risk of extreme weather events. Heatwaves, wildfires, and extreme rainfall are becoming increasingly common, making it exceedingly challenging to maintain safe homes and healthy families across the country. The Fifth National Climate Assessment warns that these extreme events are likely to worsen as temperatures continue to rise. Marginalized communities are expected to bear the brunt disproportionately due to systemic racism and discrimination.

The assessment also notes changes in storm trends due to climate change. This includes increased heavy snowfall in the Northeast and shifting hurricane trends, with a surge in North Atlantic hurricane activity and tropical cyclone intensification.

Despite the stark warnings and challenges, the report also highlights some successes in the fight against climate change. For instance, there has been a decrease in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions since 2007. The assessment calls for more transformative actions to address climate change. These recommended measures include reducing coal use and ramping up the construction of wind turbines. As the report underscores, the path to a sustainable future will require concerted effort and decisive action on multiple fronts.


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