December 21, 2020

The UK Finds Achieving Carbon Neutrality Far Less Expensive Than Previously Estimated

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ESG, green tech, sustainability


See our full analysis here: The BBC


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We may not have to empty our wallets to combat climate change. According to the BBC, the Climate Change Committee for the UK has announced it is possible to reduce 78% of emissions for less than 1% of national wealth. This transition from unsustainable to sustainable will rely on replacing old existing technology with greener and more efficient green technology.  The CCC called for encouraging behavior changes of the public such as reducing car and plane travel when possible, consuming less red meat, and buying sustainable green technology. The CCC also states that these changes need to be accompanied by governments and industries switching to more efficient green technology, shifting to utilizing more renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, and negating damage already done by planting trees and funding CCS (carbon capture and storage). The CCC is emphasizing these changes are possible and may not come at a huge economic sacrifice (mostly owing to cost-effective green tech) showing that small but steady changes to sustainability by companies and governments can drastically change emissions over time.

Our PESTAL Scope analysis shows the primarily focuses on the environment but also has heavy sentiments about the economy as well.  Our RCS analysis shows strong risk langue in the article with some crisis language as well.

Read the full article analysis here.