2020-08-15 17:02:37, , The Financial Express

Content Categorization
/Business & Industrial/Business Services

Word Count:


Reading Time:
5.91 min

Reading Quality:

13th to 15th

Media Sentiment
Proprietary sentiment analysis on both the headline and body text of the article. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative sentiment) to 1 (very positive sentiment).
RCS Analysis
Relative scoring for Risk, Crisis, and Security language within the article.
Risk Score
Scoring based on the composite risk, security and crisis language within an article compared to a baseline of historic analysis across thousands of diverse articles.
Analysis of article orientation across the PESTEL macro-environmental analysis framework. Learn more about PESTEL.
Entity Word Cloud
Key people, places, organizations and events referenced in the article, weighted by frequency and colored based on contextual sentiment.
Auto Summary
Condensing key features of the article based on salience analysis. Helpful for “gisting” the article in a time crunch.

Marketing intelligence as an immunity booster to brands, will equip the industry workforce to deal with futuristic technologies, drive innovation and lead the economy's expansive structural transformation.

The evolution of Marketing took a time leap with technologyMarketing intelligence is synonymous to competitive intelligence and business intelligence.

77% of the brand managers use it to maintain brand reputation, while 71% of them use it for managing community engagement.A boon for AgenciesThere must be over 5,000 agencies in the organised marketing and PR sector in India.

With marketing intelligence, brand managers, agencies and PR fraternity will be able to stay one step ahead of the game.

By Udit JoshiJust 12 years ago, we were taught marketing based on the classic case studies by specialised lecturers from premier institutes and veterans in the industry.

Topling consulting, marketing intelligence, martech, machine learning, topling consulting, marketing intelligence tool, udit joshi

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