The Alarming Exposure of French Prison Inmates to Climate Change and Environmental Threats

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The exposure of French prison inmates to climate change and other environmental threats is alarmingly high, as per a report by Notre Affaire à Tous, an environmental NGO. The report, which scrutinized nearly 200 penal institutions across France, unveiled that every single one is susceptible to extreme weather conditions.

These harsh conditions, including but not limited to, heatwaves, floods, and pollution, are often referred to as a “double sentence” for prisoners. This metaphorical term highlights the severity of the situation where inmates, already serving their penal sentences, are subjected to an additional ‘sentence’ of environmental threats.

The environmental risks are further escalated by overcrowding and ageing infrastructure. Temperature spikes are particularly concerning, with some prisons registering as high as 39°C during the summer months. Overpopulation coupled with outdated facilities significantly contributes to the exacerbation of these risks, making the living conditions for prisoners even more perilous.

The report also points out that nearly half of the institutions are at a moderate to high risk of structural damage due to clay shrinkage and swelling. This issue is particularly aggravated by low rainfall, which intensifies the shrinkage and swelling of clay, leading to potential structural instability.

The risk of extreme weather phenomena is not limited to heatwaves and low rainfall. A considerable number of prisons are also endangered by storms, cyclones, and flooding. Alarmingly, the study found that three institutions are at risk of submersion due to climate change.

The study also unveiled that a whopping 70% of prisons are located on potentially polluted soil. Many of these penal institutions are in close proximity to sites that are known contributors to air and noise pollution. This further amplifies the environmental threats faced by the prison inmates.

Given the stark findings of the report, Notre Affaire à Tous calls upon authorities to incorporate these environmental risks into their planning process for future institutions. It also urges them to carry out renovations or even closures of those institutions that are identified to be at the highest risk. This is a much-needed step to ensure better living conditions for prison inmates and to safeguard them from the intensifying threats of climate change and environmental hazards.


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