Machine Learning is the Solution to your Business Problems

Machine Learning is the Solution to your Business Problems By CIOReview - While sometimes it is possible to design a set of rules to handle the problem entirely without the need of ML, there ar

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By |2019-07-08T07:22:31-05:00July 8th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

Five Trends In Machine Learning Ops: Takeaways From The First Operational ML Conference

How can I put my AI /ML into production to drive ROI? What are the best practices for doing production ML? This post covers 5 trends in machine learning ops, as demonstrated at the first production ML conference, USENIX OpML 2019.

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By |2019-07-03T05:47:43-05:00July 3rd, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

MIT’s new interactive machine learning prediction tool could give everyone AI superpowers –

Soon, you might not need anything more specialized than a readily accessible touchscreen device and any existing data sets you have access to in order to build powerful prediction tools. A new experiment from MIT and Brown University researchers have added a capability to their ‘Northstar’ interactive data system that can “instantly generate machine-learning models” […]

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By |2019-06-28T07:06:44-05:00June 28th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

AI and Machine Learning in Sales –

Tomorrow’s businesses won’t thrive without AI. In one form or another, competitive organizations are already using artificial intelligence to automate tasks, improve efficiencies, or drive more revenue. For sales and marketing teams, AI and its subfields have finally fused science into the art of selling. Natural language processing (NLP) for example, can help determine customer intent. Machine learning (ML) can recommend the best response for sellers, and A/B testing can identify the most effective playbook for a scenario or customer demographic. Indeed, the time for pitching AI’s business case in sales has long since passed. Instead, the moment calls for

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By |2019-06-27T09:17:46-05:00June 27th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

Using Machine Learning To Move Fact Checking From Articles To Claims

Could natural language processing help transform the way in which fact checking results are applied, flagging the individual sentences within articles that are false or misleading, rather than blacklisting entire Websites?

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By |2019-06-26T08:26:59-05:00June 26th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

Why Machine Learning Is The Future Of Business Culture

While machine learning is one of the many buzzwords afloat today in the world of new technology, it is provoking great shifts in business culture today. But how far can the integration of AI and ML within business go if the consumer en is more distrustful of these technologies?

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By |2019-06-10T08:11:04-05:00June 10th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |

Amazon GAs Textract, Its New Machine Learning-Based OCR Service

Companies that rely on optical character recognition (OCR) to digitize the content of printed forms may be interested in Textract, a new machine

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By |2019-06-04T08:05:26-05:00June 4th, 2019|Categories:|Tags: |