Course on Climate Impact

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Healthcare institutions are increasingly becoming aware of their environmental impact, particularly their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. To help them calculate and evaluate their impact, many use the Climate Impact Checkup tool. This innovative instrument has been adopted by over 500 healthcare facilities in more than 25 countries since its launch two years ago, signifying the growing global consciousness about climate change and the role healthcare plays.

To further enhance the accessibility and usability of the Climate Impact Checkup tool, Health Care Without Harm, an international organization working to make healthcare more eco-friendly, has introduced a free online course and training program. This comprehensive program entails lessons on calculating a facility’s carbon footprint, including various emission sources in the calculation, and developing an action plan to reduce these emissions.

The course doesn’t just provide theoretical knowledge; it also showcases successful case studies from healthcare institutions in Colombia, India, and Spain, providing practical examples of how these tools and strategies can be implemented. These case studies offer an in-depth insight into the applicability of the tool, inspiring more institutions to adopt and use it effectively.

The response to the course has been overwhelmingly positive. Within two months of its launch, the course has attracted over 200 enrollments from individuals across 40 countries. This diverse student body comprises healthcare professionals, students, and policymakers, all keen to learn how they can create sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon healthcare systems.

The goal of the course, and indeed the larger aim of Health Care Without Harm, is not just to equip individuals with knowledge but to encourage a community that inspires, learns, and collaboratively works towards a more sustainable future in healthcare. The positive response to the course, both in terms of enrollments and feedback, indicates that this community is steadily growing, bringing us closer to the goal of a healthcare sector that is not just about healing humans but also about healing the planet.


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