June 25, 2020
State Street Corporation: Racism Degrades All of Us
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2020-06-25 14:22:26, , State Street Corporation
Content Categorization
/Sensitive Subjects
/People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy
Word Count:
Reading Time:
3.29 min
Reading Quality:
9th or 10th
I ask you to accept the first; what do I mean by the second?
As the longest-lived democracy, America is a nation built on the foundational concepts of liberty and equality, and we have fought wars and changed our laws to ensure that those values extend to everyone in our society.
More recently, cities across America, including my home city of Boston, fought against extraordinary racial strife and began to form civil societies truly based on the pillars of liberty and equality.
But, progress does not equal completion.
America has been the shining promise for people throughout the world seeking liberty and equality regardless of race, gender or religious belief.
At a time when we rightfully honor our essential front-line workers – nurses, doctors, first-responders, and yes, our police.
We pride ourselves on developing solutions for our clients consistent with our purpose of achieving better outcomes for our clients and the people they serve.
Corporate Responsibility, Diversity
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