Deep Social Media Insights

     It is a challenge for businesses not to drown in the sea of data available today, grasp the magnitude of this data, and generate actionable insights and targets.  It is tough…  With Science4Data’s Social Media Monitoring Tool, you will discover critical relationships in your data, identify key patterns, and make predictions based on causal relationships existing in your social networks.

                    Take a closer look at your data.

Connect with our Social Media Experts now!


                           Virtual Community Defined

Science and Technology opened a dynamic world of communication between individuals or groups allowing them to share common interests, exchange ideas, express views and opinions transcending boundaries of geography, origin, culture, politics, religion, gender, age and race.

It is undeniable that while we treasure connecting with others traditionally, we still need to immerse into the virtual world and explore its boundless provisions.

The rapid growth of Virtual Communities today has directly affected how consumers, entrepreneurs, business strategists, and investors perceive E-commerce and position themselves in the digital market place. Social Media is considered to be one of the main facilitators of driving commerce on the internet, showing no relative sign of slowing down.


Discover the movements and trends of virtual communities and  data

Drive your audience guided by data Insights

** The data presented was taken from Top Telecommunication Company’s Facebook profile from February 2017 to February 2018 **

                  Marketing Role of Social Media Platforms

Social media have grown to become a widely used measurement tool for recognizing consumer response, weighing satisfaction rate, assess product reviews and evaluate business actions to name a few. A single comment may expound to an article, a positive review amplified a thousand more, or an interesting video becoming viral in an instant. This is the power of social media platforms. After just a couple of decades from when it was first recognized and launched, social media did not limit itself from pure personal or social use but eventually extended its domain to the business realm.

The increase in social media activity is indicative that a notable margin of individuals  rely on the internet to search for services and quality products  that meets their demands. When their opinion,  reactions and feedback matters to you, going social is a requisite.

A company with an attractive website is good for business, but it is best if you have extended your influence and outreach to the online market – Social Media Platforms. Famous social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter are extremely important for establishing a connection to the virtual community. You are highly at  risk of missing out on countless marketing opportunities if you do not maintain an active social media account.

      Interesting Facts about Social Media Sites

  • Youtube is the world’s top video website attracting more than 15 billion visitors a month garnering a total of 3.25 billion hours of video watched each month.
  • Facebook has more than 2 billion monthly active users as of June 2017. The site had 100,000 business pages in 2007.  You can only imagine how many company pages were created a decade after.
  • Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors, ranking 4th most visited website in U.S. and 8th in the world.
  • Placing 9th in Alexa (global) as of Dec 2017, Tencent QQ which was launced in China in 1999 recorded over 899 million active QQ accounts by end of June 2016.
  • Instagram had 800 million users as of September 2017 even when it was only launched in 2010.  It is always Instagram worthy if your posts and videos and creative and imaginative enough . This social network site introduced “trends” through hashtags.
  • Twitter is ranked the 13th most visited website by Alexa’s web traffic analysis as of December 2017 with over 700 million users. Users post and interact with messages, called “tweets” and revolves around principle of followers.
  • Linkedin is a business-oriented social networking site and had 500 million members in 200 countries as of April 2017 .
  • VK is ranked 15th by Alexa, has over 460 million users and is available in 83 languages. This Russian-Based social network site is the most visited website in some Eurasian countries.




                    Competition Drives Goals. 

The competitive domain of business is fundamentally about survival. The realism that business revolves around thriving, adapting or going over the set benchmark and be considered a successful enterprise is slim when there’s a handful of rivals out there. One can simply say that it is comparable to how organisms before evolved to strive for existence; companies are in strained competition to survive if not outlive the other.

The advent of  wireless telecommunication  resulted to  the outbreak of  consumer’s limitless demand  forcing Telecommunication companies to  innovate its capabilities,  widen their domain, and  increase customer base.  Mobile devices and  Internet are just few of what was  introduced to us since the 20th century. This constant change will never stop. We are  in the midst of an unprecedented technological change and these companies must do well to keep up.



Understand your Profile  .   Analyze the Pattern   .  Determine your Leverage   

One factor of determining if you are in the path to survival and ultimately success is to know your strengths by keeping a strict surveillance of your competition. When you know where you stand, it gives you a general idea of what you are best at and what feature you need to improve on. There is a global need to ensure that you keep up with new strategies brought about by changes on the digital marketing realm more so if you know your competitors are already using social media accounts for engaging with their customers.

    Identify the Behavior   .    Gain Insights.    Dominate the Market.

                 Keeping your Engagement Level Green

Even if you have a large fan base but with very low engagement,it will just be insignificant if they aren’t interested enough. Engagement measures the amount of likes, shares, and comments that your social media page updates’ receive. It is an improvement stimulus to all other social media KPIs. Simply saying, if an audience is engaged, no matter how small that the number is, it will grow naturally.


** The data presented was taken from Top Telecommunication Company’s Facebook profile from February 2017 to February 2018 **

                  Making Sense of your Social Media Data.

The digital realm’s influence in the implementation of marketing processes directly depended on Virtual Communities and Social Media.

While social media provides platforms for diversity, innovation, and inventiveness for customers and business alike; the virtual community offers effective and open environment for information exchange directly helping companies understand consumer preferences for products and services. It is safe to conclude that the consumers do not just passively receive marketers’ message but are proactive in expressing their choices and needs. This type of relationship has a better outlook compared to the traditional marketing style we were used to decades back.

                  Marketing Insights.

People’s purchasing decisions are often affected if they are active online. Even the consumer’s approach to shopping went from conventional to digital. Social Media Monitoring can help you strengthen your advertising capabilities and your marketing profile in general.

You will identify what is popular when you are social. Question like “How posts should look like?”, “Who is the top influencers of the page?”, “Which feedback should be considered?”, “What drives traffic?” will come naturally. Apparently, you will need to allocate a considerable amount of time identifying these elements and doing research rather than focusing on just growing your business.

Monitoring your online profile will help your brand respond more to your customers with ease. Being viewed as receptive, responsive, and engaged marketer by your consumers also increases your brand’s inclination on a more positive result.



Social Network Profile and Fan Base

Fan base is a basic factor in determining popularity for brands. But receptiveness and accessibility  to your consumers matters most.

Access your profile at a single glance.

Be real time in monitoring.

Control the direction of your data.


Telco Matrix




Deduce findings from figures.

Evaluate actions.

Formulate a more informed business decision.

** The data presented was taken from Top Telecommunication Company’s Facebook profile from February 2017 to February 2018 **