June 8, 2020
Shaping Organizational Culture
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2020-06-08 13:56:57, , source
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Reading Time:
6.78 min
Reading Quality:
16th or higher
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) recently released a booklet called "Shaping Culture –Through Key Moments," which posits that "successful grantmaking requires more than a great strategy and execution plan; it also requires an intentional focus on culture."
Specifically about foundations and grantmaking, the report quotes Center for Effective Philanthropy research that shows: When foundation staff report high levels of empowerment, grantees perceive greater clarity and consistency from that foundation.
Times of organizational change (e.g., leadership transitions or strategic planning) are opportunities to pay special attention to culture and how to align it with the organization's values, vision and goals.
GEO defines culture as "the collective behaviors and underlying assumptions of an organization," which can include artifacts (the tangible manifestations of culture like your building or offices, your website and other publications), beliefs and values (how you aspire to do your work) and basic underlying assumptions (your operating principles).
According to a 2015 study released by Duke University and Columbia University, the majority of 1,800 CEOs and CFOs interviewed from around the world indicated that culture is critical to determining whether an organization will thrive and succeed in meetings its goals.
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