Seoul Metropolitan Government to Deploy Drones for Real-Time Monitoring and AI Analysis

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The Seoul Metropolitan Government has announced plans to implement the use of drones for real-time traffic monitoring starting in 2024. This innovative approach aims to address traffic management problems more efficiently by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence (AI).

The drones will be equipped with an AI algorithm that will analyze the footage captured 200 meters above the ground to identify patterns and predict future traffic conditions. This technology will provide valuable insights into traffic flow and congestion, allowing the city government to develop a comprehensive traffic management system.

To ensure the effectiveness of this new approach, the Seoul City Government conducted tests during the fall season using drones to monitor crowd density at major public events. The drones were also utilized during the Seoul International Fireworks Festival and Halloween to monitor crowd density, traffic flow, and road conditions in areas without surveillance cameras.

By leveraging drones and AI technology, the Seoul Metropolitan Government is taking proactive steps towards improving traffic management. The integration of drones into the monitoring and analysis of traffic conditions will not only provide real-time data but also enable the government to predict future traffic situations accurately.

This move is expected to revolutionize traffic management in the city, as it will enable authorities to proactively address congestion and develop effective strategies to alleviate it. The comprehensive data collected by the drones will serve as a valuable resource for the city government, ensuring better traffic control and enhanced overall transportation system efficiency.

The implementation of this drone-based traffic monitoring system marks a significant milestone for Seoul. With its commitment to adopting cutting-edge technologies, the city is leading the way in utilizing AI and drones for urban planning and management. This forward-thinking approach demonstrates the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s determination to create a smarter and more sustainable city.

Starting in 2024, the Seoul Metropolitan Government will deploy drones to monitor traffic conditions in real-time. By employing an AI algorithm, the footage captured by the drones will be analyzed to identify patterns and predict future traffic conditions. This technology will revolutionize traffic management in the city, enabling authorities to address congestion more efficiently and develop a comprehensive traffic management system. The integration of drones and AI exemplifies Seoul’s commitment to utilizing innovative solutions for urban planning and creating a smarter city.

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