Scarlett Johansson and OpenAI - Controversy Over AI Voice Allegedly Mimicking Actress's Voice

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OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research lab, is currently in hot water for allegedly using a voice in its ChatGPT that bears a striking resemblance to that of Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson. The voice, previously likened to Johansson’s character from the film “Her”, has since been withdrawn by OpenAI following a request from Johansson’s legal team.

The controversy began when Scarlett Johansson’s lawyers asked OpenAI to clarify how they developed the AI voice, which, according to Johansson, sounds uncannily like her own. Initially, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seemed to encourage the comparison to Johansson’s voice. However, as the situation escalated, the company swiftly denied any connection to Johansson and subsequently removed the voice.

Johansson expressed her shock and outrage over the incident, noting that she had previously declined an offer from Altman to license her voice for the ChatGPT voice assistant. This has led to further speculation about the origin of the voice used for ‘Sky’, the voice in question.

Despite the ongoing controversy, OpenAI maintains that the voice used for ‘Sky’ is not Johansson’s. Instead, they claim it belongs to another professional actress, whose identity has remained confidential due to privacy concerns. This explanation has done little to assuage Johansson’s concerns; she is currently considering legal action against Sam Altman and OpenAI, alleging they used her voice for their AI system, ChatGPT, without her consent.

OpenAI firmly denies these allegations. The company states that the voice actor for “Sky” was selected before any approach was made to Johansson. They further claim that the voice was not intended to mimic Johansson’s distinctive sound.

In light of these allegations, OpenAI has elected to temporarily halt the use of the “Sky” voice in its products. The company recognizes the need for stronger protections against deepfakes and has shown a willingness to address these concerns. As the situation unfolds, it highlights the broader issues surrounding the use of AI technology and the potential infringement on personal rights.

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