Top 10 Hot Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies
The market for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is flourishing. Beyond the hype and the heightened media attention, the numerous startups and the internet giants racing to acquire them, there is a significant increase in investment and adoption by enterprises. A Narrative Science survey found last year that 38% of enterprises are already using AI, growing to 62% by 2018. Forrester [...]
Data science is easy; making it work is hard | CIO
Data scientists are smart people. If you get them the data, they can create a model that delivers value where there is value to be had. There is nothing more frustrating to a data scientist than being able to do the math but having neither the data to run it against nor the ability for it to be used.That first [...]
Human and Artificial Intelligence May Be Equally Impossible to Understand
Take, for example, an episode recently reported by machine learning researcher Rich Caruana and his colleagues. They described the experiences of a team at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who were using machine learning to predict whether pneumonia patients might develop severe complications. The goal was to send patients at low risk for complications to outpatient treatment, preserving hospital [...]