Troll hunters: the Twitterbots that fight against online abuse | New Scientist
The statistics may feel familiar: a 2014 study by Pew Research in Washington DC showed that 40% of internet users have been harassed and 66% of those said the most recent instance was on social media. Since then, despite many promises made by internet companies, efforts to curb online harassment using human moderation have fallen flat. At science4data we have solutions [...]
How to Spot Visualization Lies | FlowingData
Of course, lying with statistics has been a thing for a long time, but charts tend to spread far and wide these days. There’s a lot of them. Some don’t tell the truth. Maybe you glance at it and that’s it, but a simple message sticks and builds. Before you know it, Leonardo DiCaprio spins a top on a table [...]
The state of Jupyter – O’Reilly Media
Project Jupyter aims to create an ecosystem of open source tools for interactive computation and data analysis, where the direct participation of humans in the computational loop—executing code to understand a problem and iteratively refine their approach—is the primary consideration. Anchoring Jupyter around humans is key to the project; it helps us both narrow our scope in some directions and [...]