Google Deep Mind AI develops human aggression
Google’s Deep Mind AI was tested playing several different games to see what kind of behavior would emerge.In one particular game, the AI was tasked with attempting to collect more ‘apples’ within a 2D environment than another ‘player’. The AI also had the ability to hit a player with a beam which would remove them from the game.After running the [...]
Humanity In The Age Of AI | The Huffington Post
As technology advances, we are quickly becoming slaves to it, unaware of our intentional manipulation. It could be a simple post on Facebook only visible to those targeted or an automated response to your political tweet intentionally trying to anger you for the express purpose of affecting your choice to vote for a particular candidate. Are you happy, or sad, [...]
AI Software Juggles Probabilities to Learn from Less Data
In theory, Gamalon’s approach could make it a lot easier for someone to build and refine a machine-learning model, too. Perfecting a deep-learning algorithm requires a great deal of mathematical and machine-learning expertise. “There’s a black art to setting these systems up,” Vigoda says. With Gamalon’s approach, a programmer could train a model by feeding in significant examples. Source: AI [...]