S4D Insights2019-06-21T16:28:36-05:00

The Deep Learning Market Map: 60+ Startups Working Across E-Commerce, Cybersecurity, Sales, And More

Increased investor interest in AI startups – from around 10 deals in Q1’11 to over 120 in Q2’16 – can be attributed to recent advances in machine learning algorithms, particularly “deep learning” technology, a souped up version of AI. Just this week, Google integrated deep learning into its Google Translate tool; Baidu announced the launch of DeepBench, an “open source [...]

March 25th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|

AI Supercomputers: Microsoft Oxford, IBM Watson, Google DeepMind, Baidu Minwa

Unlike IBM’s Watson, which had a pre-determined purpose, DeepMind is more open-ended, and is also comparatively simpler to use than its competitors because of its deep learning capabilities. An example of this is that the system was given several vintage video games to play with no prior input. The early results were obviously poor, but the system eventually managed to [...]

March 15th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|

Remote Sensing Software Packages

T here is an abundance of choice for remote sensing software. This list of 10 free applications describes what each one brings to the table. Source: 10 Open Source Remote Sensing Software Packages - GIS Geography

March 15th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|
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