How the human condition limits the power of technology
Of course, technology is important. Modern civilization wouldn’t be what it is without it. But what amplification implies is that especially in a world of incredible technologies, further progress requires change in people. Without improvements in our collective intention, discernment and self-control — without better heart, mind and will — we won’t use the fruits of our innovations to best [...]
The Six Main Stories, As Identified by a Computer – The Atlantic
There are several theories that say every story known to man can be reduced to one of just a handful of archetypes—a quest, overcoming the monster, rebirth, to name a few—but there’s no consensus on what those stories are. In this case, researchers picked six from a mix of popular lists based on what shapes the computer identified most. And [...]
5 Heroic Python NLP Libraries
Natural language processing (NLP) is an exciting field in data science and artificial intelligence that deals with teaching computers how to extract meaning from text. In this guide, we’ll be touring the essential stack of Python NLP libraries. These packages handle a wide range of tasks such as part-of-speech (POS) tagging, sentiment analysis, document classification, topic modeling, and much more. Source: [...]