S4D Insights2019-06-21T16:28:36-05:00

The Ground Truth in Agile Machine Learning

In some broader sense, the epistemological notion of ground truth could apply to any machine-learning approach, if taken to mean the prior understanding of what sorts of patterns the algorithm is trained to search for. The truths being distilled from the data are those consistent with what domain experts—tutors—or quantitative experts—for example, statisticians, mathematicians, and so forth—consider meaningful. Source: The [...]

April 23rd, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|

What is a productive data engineering team?

How to work with a data science teamBefore diving into the relationship between data science and data engineering teams, I want to briefly define the roles. A data scientist is typically someone with a math and probability background, who also knows how to program. Data scientists are often familiar with big data technologies, in order to run algorithms at scale. [...]

April 21st, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|
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