S4D Insights2019-06-21T16:28:36-05:00

The Rise Of Big Data Analytics For Blockchains

Using in-depth analysis of blockchains through the data they produce and pattern recognition across thousands of interactions, it may be possible to identify nefarious users and those you should avoid doing business with. It is the equivalent of credit checks on a credit card, making sure that the actions are legal and genuine. This kind of work is not only [...]

May 6th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|

The Blockchain and AI – Towards Data Science – Medium

We have blockchain tech’s promise of near-frictionless value exchange and artificial intelligence’s ability to accelerate the analysis of massive amounts of data. The joining of the two could mark the beginning of an entirely new paradigm. We can maximize security while remaining immutable by employing artificial intelligent agents that govern the chain. With more companies and institutions adopting blockchain-based solutions, [...]

May 6th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|

Magic AI: these are the optical illusions that trick, fool, and flummox computers – The Verge

Last year, researchers were able to fool a commercial facial recognition system into thinking they were someone else just by wearing a pair of patterned glasses. A sticker overlay with a hallucinogenic print was stuck onto the frames of the specs. The twists and curves of the pattern look random to humans, but to a computer designed to pick out [...]

April 29th, 2017|Categories: Science4Data|
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