The Problem With Sentiment Analysis
information like the most popular words in a conversation or who is influencing it rarely makes it into news reports based on sentiment analysis. And part of the problem with placing tweets in “positive or negative” buckets, as journalists (yours truly included) often ask data analysis firms to do, is that natural language processing is really hard to do without [...]
Phone-Powered AI Spots Sick Plants With Remarkable Accuracy
Researchers have developed a smartphone-based program that can automatically detect diseases in the most widely grown root crop on Earth. Source: Phone-Powered AI Spots Sick Plants With Remarkable Accuracy
Google (GOOG) explains how artificial intelligence becomes biased against women and minorities
This is one of the problems with social media and using that data for training machine learning. Garbage in garbage out. Human nonsense begets more nonsense. Train the systems with quality control, including a moral and ethical filter if necessary. Source: Google (GOOG) explains how artificial intelligence becomes biased against women and minorities — Quartz