What Is The Difference Between Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling
Source: What Is The Difference Between Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling
Will the Future of AI Learning Depend More on Nature or Nurture? – IEEE Spectrum
The essence of intelligence is the ability to predict, because predicting the future is a very special case of “filling in the blanks” about the state of the world, LeCun says. Common sense enables humans and animals to fill in missing information based on their knowledge of how the world works. That is why human drivers do not need to [...]
New Theory Cracks Open the Black Box of Deep Neural Networks | WIRED
Like a brain, a deep neural network has layers of neurons—artificial ones that are figments of computer memory. When a neuron fires, it sends signals to connected neurons in the layer above. During deep learning, connections in the network are strengthened or weakened as needed to make the system better at sending signals from input data—the pixels of a photo [...]