Science4Data’s Signal Series

2020 Presidential Debates

This initial analysis is of the individual text from Chris Wallace, Donald Trump and Joe Biden from the debate held on September 29th 2020. The analysis of each candidate shows some interesting results. Some of these look counterintuitive, which is a result of the raucous nature of the discussion at the debate.

We show here our Sentiment Word Cloud for each of the three speakers from the first presidential debate.  The color indicate overall term sentiment across the speakers translated text.  Thank you to for getting the translations done quickly!

Chris Wallace 

Chris Wallace had his hands full with this WWE style debate.  Our analysis show he was able to equally distribute time and was “fair” on overall sentiment across terms.

Donald Trump

President Trump did deliver many of his key talking points but in  a style many called too hot. Some have said “Twitter Trump” showed up.  Here is what our analyzers saw!

Joe Biden

Joe Biden held his ground, however his language was the most interesting of the three. Some of the sentiments are surprising to say the least.  You be the judge!

Take a look at the rest of our coverage of the Presidential Debates 2020 on our blog here.

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Science4Data pairs human-driven risk analysis with machine-driven news and market monitoring. Our team continues to lead a changing industry of social and news media analysis at scale!

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