2020-06-23 14:56:35, Volodymyr Hodiak, Otakoyi

Content Categorization
/Business & Industrial/Business Services

Word Count:


Reading Time:
13.96 min

Reading Quality:

11th or 12th

Media Sentiment
Proprietary sentiment analysis on both the headline and body text of the article. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative sentiment) to 1 (very positive sentiment).
RCS Analysis
Relative scoring for Risk, Crisis, and Security language within the article.
Risk Score
Scoring based on the composite risk, security and crisis language within an article compared to a baseline of historic analysis across thousands of diverse articles.
Analysis of article orientation across the PESTEL macro-environmental analysis framework. Learn more about PESTEL.
Entity Word Cloud
Key people, places, organizations and events referenced in the article, weighted by frequency and colored based on contextual sentiment.
Auto Summary
Condensing key features of the article based on salience analysis. Helpful for “gisting” the article in a time crunch.

The Dedicated Team model implies that you hire a whole team that usually consists of all kinds of IT experts needed for the project implementation, including PMs, designers, QA engineers, and developers.

If you ever wondered why companies decide to outsource software development, what are the pros and cons of IT outsourcing, or which pricing and engagement model is the best fit for your project, then this is a must-read for you.

What is more, offshoring countries usually have a prosperous IT sector and large talent pools of software developers due to the availability of corresponding demand.

If you do not want to waste your time on the hiring process of the necessary specialists and further management of the development process, then you have a strong reason why outsourcing IT.

To avoid IT outsourcing risks, always try to carefully read the company's testimonials on trustworthy platforms like Clutch or GoodFirms before choosing its services.


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Article Analysis is at the foundation of powerful media monitoring and insights. Learn what you can build with powerful curated search engines, real-time listening and trend analysis on the topics, markets and companies critical to your organization.