Equity Sentiment Analysis

Advanced market sentiment analysis with insights for the most sophisticated investors

Asset managers work with Science4Data AlphaSignal to drive their investment strategies using the most advanced market sentiment analysis capability available to investors. Data scientists identify and monitor key words that can move markets. In particular, media sentiment is a focus area that incorporates how popular opinion may impact current and potential investments.

Science4Data AlphaSignal now offers the same high quality sentiment analysis to all clients, including wealth management advisors, mid-sized asset management and even ETF providers. Using advanced analytics to search thousands of articles for investable trends provides new insights that can impact investments across asset classes. As an example of this capability, AlphaSignal is showcasing a market sentiment dashboard featuring some of the most widely held equity securities. Please click on the link below and contact us for more custom inquiries.

See how sentiment and other factors can presage market movement. We are currently running free analysis on several equities, including:

Tech Sector
AMZN: Amazon
GOOG: Google
MSFT: Microsoft

Financial Sector
MS: Morgan Stanley
BAC: Bank of America

TSLA: Tesla
BRK: Berkshire Hathaway
PFE: Pfizer
MRNA: Moderna

The above dashboard shows trend lines for Amazon and Google over three months of data. Other dashboards will be added based on client requests.

If you would like to learn more about our ongoing Market Sentiment Analysis or would like us to run a free analysis on an asset of your choice, please reach out to us here: