Microsoft’s Copilot bot has recently been integrated into the widely-used messaging app, Telegram. It functions as an AI chatbot that users can interact with, ask questions, and even conduct search queries. Currently in the beta phase, the Copilot for Telegram service is available for free to all Telegram users, whether they are using the mobile […]
Today’s Climate Change Poster Collection highlights Melting Ice Caps. The melting of the polar ice caps is one of the most visible and alarming indicators of climate change, a phenomenon that has far-reaching consequences for our planet. The Earth’s polar regions, particularly the Arctic and Antarctic, are experiencing unprecedented rates of ice melt due to […]
A recent study by the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center has suggested a unique approach to cancer treatment that could help in mitigating the environmental impact associated with it. The researchers have proposed that altering the frequency of the cancer treatment, pembrolizumab, could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Pembrolizumab, also known as Keytruda, […]
Global packaging and paper company Mondi has recently conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for its innovative packaging solution, Hug&Hold, to evaluate its environmental impacts compared to traditional plastic shrink wrap. Hug&Hold, which is designed as a recyclable alternative to plastic shrink wrap for PET bottle packs, features a kraft paper sleeve and a corrugated […]
Former OpenAI board member Helen Toner made explosive accusations against CEO Sam Altman, claiming he had been dishonest, obstructive, and had created a toxic work environment within the company. These allegations ultimately led to Altman’s removal from his position on November 17th, 2023. Toner’s claims included accusations that Altman had failed to disclose important information […]
In a recent study conducted by researchers from Maine’s Colby College and Good Energy, it was found that Hollywood blockbusters may be falling short when it comes to addressing the current climate crisis. This research, which surveyed 250 movies released between the years 2013 and 2022, discovered that a mere 10% of these films passed […]