2020-06-16 05:23:00, By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times

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Days later, the communist regime shelled a border island, killing several people.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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The Epoch Times is nonpartisan and values-based.

We don't follow the unethical trend of agenda-driven journalism, but instead use our principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light to report honestly.

North Korea may also be frustrated because the sanctions prevent Seoul from breaking away from Washington to resume joint economic projects with Pyongyang.

About a decade ago, North Korea fired a torpedo at a South Korean ship, killing several dozen sailors.

North Korea last week also threatened to cut off all communication with Seoul.

South Korean conservative activists launch balloons carrying leaflets denouncing North Korean leader Kim Jong Il during a rally in Hwacheon, South Korea on July 29, 2010.

(Ahn Young-joon/AP)

South Korea's unification ministry also said that electricity provided to the North has been suspended after the office was destroyed.

South Korea's Defense Ministry said separately that it closely monitors North Korean military activities and was prepared to strongly counter any future provocations.

North Korea, South Korea, THE EPOCH TIMES

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