2020-06-15 00:00:00, Victor Garcia, Fox News

Content Categorization

Word Count:


Reading Time:
2.14 min

Reading Quality:

11th or 12th

Media Sentiment
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Sean Hannity laid out a four-step plan Monday to fix the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve, saying "clear action does need to be taken" following the police shooting of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta Friday night.

The third step the host called for was a nationwide restoration of "law and order.""How much longer are we going to allow anarchists to take over cities [and] police stations [and] burn police stations and other buildings to the ground?"

The first step of the host's plan was that "every police officer has got to have a body cam and dash cams.""It keeps everybody honest and it lets people see what really happened," Hannity explained.

Think of the damage that it has done and set back police-community relations decades."

GEORGE FLOYD'S BROTHER PHILONISE TELLS POLICE: 'YOU CAN DO YOUR JOB AND STILL MAINTAIN RESPECT FOR OTHERS'He then called for the use of chokeholds by police officers to be banned "except if an officer's life is at risk," Hannity said.


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