KEA's Innovative Recruiting for a Virtual Store on Roblox

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IKEA, the globally recognized home furnishing brand, recently announced that it is seeking to fill as many as ten positions in its virtual store on Roblox, aptly called The Co-Worker Game. This innovative initiative is part of the company’s ongoing efforts to blend the worlds of retail and online gaming, creating a unique customer experience.

The company has disclosed that successful applicants can expect to earn £13.15 or €14.80 per hour for their work in this virtual environment. The recruitment drive is open to individuals from the UK or Ireland, provided they are at least 18 years old. Potential employees have until June 16th to submit their applications.

The chosen recruits will have a variety of tasks in the virtual IKEA store. These include serving virtual meatballs, assisting customers in finding items, and the possibility of earning promotions within different departments. It’s a fascinating opportunity to experience the retail industry in a completely new and digital way.

The application process for these unique positions is not your typical job application. IKEA has included some unconventional questions to gauge the applicant’s readiness for the role. An example of these quirky inquiries is, “How do you feel about being turned into pixels?” Undoubtedly, this adds a fun and intriguing twist to the application process.

Once the application deadline of June 16th has passed, IKEA will conduct virtual interviews from June 14th to June 18th. The selected individuals will then be ready to start their new roles when The Co-Worker Game launches on Roblox on June 24th.

Speaking about the initiative, Darren Taylor, IKEA Country People, and Culture Manager, stated that even without landing a paid role, Roblox gamers could still interact and explore in the virtual IKEA universe. This suggests that the virtual store will not only be a workplace but also a unique platform for gamers and IKEA enthusiasts to engage with the brand in a novel and immersive way.

This move by IKEA to recruit employees for a virtual store is a testament to the evolving landscape of the retail industry. It showcases how brands can leverage technology and gaming platforms to create engaging and interactive experiences for their customers and fans.