2020-06-12 20:18:25, Jeremy Boren, GrayMatter

Content Categorization
/Business & Industrial

Word Count:


Reading Time:
9.06 min

Reading Quality:

16th or higher

Media Sentiment
Proprietary sentiment analysis on both the headline and body text of the article. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative sentiment) to 1 (very positive sentiment).
RCS Analysis
Relative scoring for Risk, Crisis, and Security language within the article.
Risk Score
Scoring based on the composite risk, security and crisis language within an article compared to a baseline of historic analysis across thousands of diverse articles.
Analysis of article orientation across the PESTEL macro-environmental analysis framework. Learn more about PESTEL.
Entity Word Cloud
Key people, places, organizations and events referenced in the article, weighted by frequency and colored based on contextual sentiment.
Auto Summary
Condensing key features of the article based on salience analysis. Helpful for “gisting” the article in a time crunch.

PPG's packaging coatings unit sought help from other sectors of the global company as employees worked to meet an uptick in demand amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

To help meet that demand, PPG redistributed resources from automotive and tire production plants that experienced a slow-down in Germany and The Netherlands.

Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic is NASA's choice to deliver the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, aka VIPER, to the moon's south pole in 2023.

General Mills is using hard hat-integrated, hand-free intercoms from Sena Technologies to allow workers in the same location to communicate securely with each other, or, to communicate to a Bluetooth-enabled PLC that could alert workers to a problem.

"Cybersecurity for water treatment and supply networks is only loosely monitored at the federal and state levels, where the primary focus is often on water quality," said Sez Atamturktur, Harry and Arlene Schell Professor and head of the Department of Architectural Engineering.


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