April 29, 2021

Forbes: Alaska Airlines Shows Off Plane With New Paint Job Highlighting Diversity And Inclusion

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2021-04-26 00:00:00, Eric Rosen, Forbes

Content Categorization

Word Count:


Reading Time:
8.98 min

Reading Quality:

16th or higher

Media Sentiment
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RCS Analysis
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Risk Score
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An airline's livery is the core of its brand identity, with colors and icons that define a carrier's image for years, or even decades – such as Qantas's kangaroo, Lufthansa's crane, or the oryx that graces the tails of Qatar Airways' jets.

In February, Marriott International announced the establishment and $20 million endowment of the Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership in partnership with Howard University, one of the nation's most prominent HBCUs.

The first declares, "The time is always right to do what is right," and was penned by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Attributed to South Africa's Nelson Mandela, the second quote states, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change to the world."

Alaska also plans to donate one million frequent-flier miles annually to help students visit HBCUs for various UNCF programs, as well as career development forums, and college tours.

As the United States reckons with its history of racial inequality as well as its ongoing treatment of minorities, hopefully more companies both within the travel industry and beyond will begin to place a new, and long-overdue emphasis on inclusivity and equity.

airline, travel, equality, equity, diversity, education, alaska, Alaska Airlines


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