Data Science Solutions

Expert Real World Solutions

Our services are derived from a continued focus on delivering insights and value to the customers who we serve.  By combining the right tools, techniques and experiences our Data Scientist understand how to leverage existing assets and know-how to ensure our clients quickly see rich insights critical to excelling in today’s business world.  Our PhD Scientists come from a diverse background set and offer a breath fresh air and unique perspectives into our client’s most vexing challenges.

Sales Effectiveness Optimization

Information Intelligence on markets, competitors

An enormous amount of public data is available for any company to use to determine what the market environment is doing.  Private proprietary sources of data are also available but combining all these sources has remained challenging, until our Insight Engine was developed to process documents in any format, websites, and unstructured text to extract relevant entities, object, concepts, events, facts and use them to populate a knowledge base to use for:

– Classifying documents.

– Taking actions based on contents.

– Discovering correlations and relations between entities and events.

– Understanding trends and behavior of markets, consumers, competitors, technologies.

– Comparing product pricing and perceptions.

Competitive Intelligence 

Customer Behavior Analysis

Insight Engine is used to help understanding your customer lifecycle journey and improve customer experience. It provides a complete 360 degree customer profiles.

Product & Content Personalization

Our specialized predictive analytics models that enables an optimized website structure that matches the preferences of the customers actions leading to personalized product recommendations.

Propensity Modeling for Marketing Campaigns

The Insight Engine delivers targeted marketing campaigns by using its Machine Learning models that make use of prior customer activity. These insights are used to personalize email campaigns to deliver to well-defined customer targets.


Automated Customer Support and Leads Generation

The Insight Engine processes customer feedback, including email messages, comments, tickets, phone conversation transcripts, social media posts, and recommends actions that best address their concerns, problems, issues, and desires. For example, you can use the Insight Engine to analyze communication traffic traffic:

–  To discover customers who have a product support issue, and connect them with the right customer care specialists.

– To understand desires and purchasing intents to suggest how to explore and buy desired product and services.


Sentiment Analysis

Insight Engine enables to understand customer sentiments and opinions by advanced machine learning modules that recognize not only expressions containing positive, negative and neutral moods, but also the targets of such sentiments and opinions. For example you can understand if a customer dislikes an entire product or service or a single feature of the product or services by distinguishing between expressions like:

– “The ACME mobile phone doesn’t work properly” where the negative opinion is referred to a given product .

– “The battery of the ACME mobile phone doesn’t work properly” where the negative opinion is referred to the battery. Furthermore, MANTRA enables to compute a ranking associated to a sentiment and an opinion in order to defer the intensity of the negative or positive expression.

Customer Churn Prediction

Churn prediction is loss prevention by identifying whether customers are likely to stop using a service, product, or website. The Insight Engine helps find customers who are at high risk of attrition, enabling to proactively engage them with promotions or customer service outreach. By specialized machine learning models you can understand historical user behavior patterns to make an accurate forecast for the probability of abandonment or no activity in the future.


Anomaly Detection

Insight Engine makes it easy to build predictive models that help

– Identify potentially undesirable or fraudulent behaviors in customer interactions.

– Detect fraudulent or inappropriate item reviews.

– Misused and/or abused delivery and payment services.

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