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Reading Time:
4.69 min

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11th or 12th

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Travelers arriving to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from Florida, Texas and other states with spiking Covid-19 infections rates will be subject to a 14-day quarantine and fines if they don't self-isolate, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a similar executive order in late March mandating a 14-day quarantine for travelers arriving from the New York tri-state area.

In late March, as New York quickly became the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis mandated through an executive order that travelers arriving in Florida from the New York tri-state area self-isolate for 14 days.

Cuomo had previously said he was considering imposing a quarantine on travelers arriving in the state from places like Florida where coronavirus cases have spiked.

We don't want to see it go up because a lot of people come into this region and they can literally bring the infection with them," Cuomo said at a press conference with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont.

Catastrophe, U.S. Economy, Texas, Breaking News: Business, Arizona, Ned Lamont, New York City, Health care industry, Connecticut, Andrew Cuomo, Disease outbreaks, business news, Epidemics, Florida, Coronavirus, Biotechnology, Biotech and Pharmaceuticals, Ron DeSantis, New Jersey, New York, Pandemics, Politics, Greg Abbott

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