Climate Change Poster

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Today’s Climate Change Poster Collection highlights Climate Ambition Summit. The international community gears up for the Climate Ambition Summit, an initiative of the UN Secretary-General, slated for 20 September 2023 in New York City. The Summit holds an important place in global climate diplomacy, aiming to foreground leaders who are taking significant strides towards the decarbonization of the global economy and delivering climate justice.

The organization of the Summit is structured around three major themes: Ambition, Credibility, and Implementation, each designed to foster discussion, showcase progress, and push agendas for a better and sustainable future.

Under the Ambition track, government leaders will take the stage, presenting their updated pre-2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The focus will be on sharing their comprehensive plans for energy transition and various other initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change. This track essentially aims at scrutinizing the ambition level of different nations in combatting climate change.

The Credibility track is specifically designed to provide a platform to leaders from diverse fields such as businesses, cities, regions, and financial institutions. Here, they will present their transition plans that are aligned with the UN-backed credibility standard. This track aims to ensure that the transition towards sustainable development is credible and in line with internationally agreed standards.

The Implementation track of the summit will depict partnerships addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with decarbonization or delivering climate justice. The objective is to highlight the practical aspects of implementing the ambitious and credible plans presented in the earlier tracks.

An interesting aspect of the Summit is its coincidence with the second SDG Summit, which aims to accelerate action on the Sustainable Development Goals. This overlap is expected to create a synergy that can foster more substantial and impactful changes.

The Climate Ambition Summit was announced by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in December 2022. He emphasized the role of the Summit in fostering new, tangible, and credible climate action plans.

In essence, the upcoming Climate Ambition Summit is more than just a meeting. It is a clarion call for world leaders, businesses, and individuals to step up their efforts and commitments towards a sustainable and resilient future. It is a reminder that climate action is not just about reducing emissions; it’s about ensuring justice and building a more equitable world for all.

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