C3's approach with its development studio is designed to abstract processes across multiple clouds in a low-code environment.
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PRODUCT ANALYSIS: How Marchex brings actionable intelligence to business interactions with an AI-powered platform that leverages natural language processing in real time.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.eweek.com
Finding Defects With Machine Learning Better algorithms and more data could bolster adoption, particularly at advanced nodes.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: semiengineering.com
Not all AI is created equal, and not all AI relies on the same core technologies.
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Financial information is reshaping investment strategies in an environment where data is more accessible, diverse but disjointed; ready-to-use data is the enabler of automation, new trading strategies, and market intelligence
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At its most basic, data entry tends to be extremely repetitive and rote. There are different forms of data entry, of course, but they all have the same goal: to transcribe an existing document or section of data to a more convenient digital format. There are professionals who specifically handle data entry tasks for a […]
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There are several steps between retrieving data and actually converting it to sales, but there are some areas where it can be used to optimize your platform and improve the overall user experience.
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In the second episode of Five Minute Masterminds, the author and broadcaster Timandra Harkness introduces big data, explaining how big it actually is, its impact on recent political elections and how it can change your life
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How has machine learning and AI influenced game design? This question was originally answered on Quora by Travis Addair.
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Automated machine learning will fundamentally changing the way machine learning and data science is approached, and this might require additional skills
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