Source: Why Understanding Morality is Key to Understanding Future With AI | Lets Talk Payments
Source: MEDICI Top 21 – AI: Unveiling the Leading Companies Applying AI to Build Next-Gen Financial Services Solutions | Lets Talk Payments
Getting the best results out of a machine learning (ML) model requires that you truly understand your data. However, ML datasets can contain hundreds of millions of data points, each consisting of hundreds (or even thousands) of features, making it nearly impossible to understand an entire dataset in an intuitive fashion. Source: Research Blog: Facets: […]
Lots of algorithms go bad unintentionally. Some of them, however, are made to be criminal. Algorithms are formal rules, usually written in computer code, that make predictions on future events based on historical patterns. To train an algorithm you need to provide historical data as well as a definition of success. Source: How can we […]
AI systems can be trained to perform tasks that aren’t binary, with a right or wrong answer, and more subjective, like in the fields of art and photography. Doing this kind of aesthetic training with software can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, as it has traditionally required labeled data sets. Source: Google is using AI to […]
If fake news wasn’t enough of an alarm for society what about a fake language. Wait, wait, isn’t that twitter? So why stop an AI bot from generating a fake language that only two chatbot’s can understand? Is anyone surprised that this was generated within Facebook? Source: AI Is Inventing Languages Humans Can’t Understand. Should […]
AI is much more complicated than coding a website, but because the software and hardware groundwork has been built, simpler tools for non-experts are emerging. AT&T, Clarifai, and IBM, as well as UC Berkeley, are creating intuitive ways for people with big ideas to start building AI tools without big expertise. Source: A New Point-and-Click […]
Source: How to build a data science pipeline – Towards Data Science – Medium
New technique helps elucidate the inner workings of neural networks trained on visual data. Source: Peering into neural networks
nteract is a desktop application that allows you to develop rich documents that contain prose, executable code (in almost any language!), and images. Whether you’re a developer, data scientist, researcher, or journalist, nteract helps you write your next code-driven story. Source: nteract: write your next code-driven story.