June 24, 2020
Barron’s: Covid-19’s Economic Toll Will Be Deeper Than Expected, IMF Says. And the Recovery Slower.
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2020-06-24 16:08:00, Lisa Beilfuss, Barron's
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/Business & Industrial
/News/Business News
Word Count:
Reading Time:
6.87 min
Reading Quality:
16th or higher
That's compared to April forecasts for a 5.9% contraction and 4.7% growth, respectively.
For China, the world's second-largest economy, the IMF now sees 1% growth in 2020 and 8.2% growth in 2021.
It still expects a return to growth in 2021, predicting a rate of 5.4% that is down from 5.8% in April and 11.9% in January.
Behind the slashed forecast is weaker consumption because of bigger-than-expected disruptions to economic activity.
"The Covid-19 pandemic has had a more negative impact on activity in the first half of 2020 than anticipated, and the recovery is projected to be more gradual than previously forecast," the IMF said in its update.
At the same time, precipitous demand declines, supply-chain interruptions, and uncertain earnings prospects have caused firms to cut investment spending, the IMF said.
"Financial conditions may again tighten as in January-March, exposing vulnerabilities among borrowers," the IMF said, which could "tip some economies into debt crises and slow activity further."
c&e exclusion filter, FIRST_PUBLISH_HEADLINE|Covid-19’s Economic Toll Will Be Deeper Than Expected, SYND, Asia, Medical Conditions, Health, asia, SUBJECT|BARASIA, Infectious Diseases, Markets, Europe, Emerging Markets, International Monetary Fund, novel coronaviruses, outbreaks, SUBJECT|BARUS, political, SUBJECT|BARCORONA, health, economy and policy, Factiva Filters, SUBJECT|BARNEWS, indicators, News, SUBJECT|BAREMERG, markets, economic predictions, economic news, europe, IMF Says. And the Recovery Slower., Outbreaks/Epidemics, C&E Exclusion Filter, economic performance, general news, DJIA, Economic Predictions/Forecasts, medical conditions, forecasts, SUBJECT|BARMKTS, Coronavirus, financial market news, Dow Jones Industrial Average, news, infectious diseases, SUBJECT|BARECPOL, Respiratory Tract Diseases, emerging markets, HEADLINE|Covid-19’s Economic Toll Will Be Deeper Than Expected, Novel Coronaviruses, commodity, Economic News, SUBJECT|BAREUROPE, Content Types, US, Economic Performance/Indicators, epidemics, Political/General News, coronavirus, Economy and Policy, factiva filters, content types, CODES_REVIEWED, Commodity/Financial Market News, respiratory tract diseases, us
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