Like a brain, a deep neural network has layers of neurons—artificial ones that are figments of computer memory. When a neuron fires, it sends signals to connected neurons in the layer above. During deep learning, connections in the network are strengthened or weakened as needed to make the system better at sending signals from input […]
information like the most popular words in a conversation or who is influencing it rarely makes it into news reports based on sentiment analysis. And part of the problem with placing tweets in “positive or negative” buckets, as journalists (yours truly included) often ask data analysis firms to do, is that natural language processing is […]
Researchers have developed a smartphone-based program that can automatically detect diseases in the most widely grown root crop on Earth. Source: Phone-Powered AI Spots Sick Plants With Remarkable Accuracy
This is one of the problems with social media and using that data for training machine learning. Garbage in garbage out. Human nonsense begets more nonsense. Train the systems with quality control, including a moral and ethical filter if necessary. Source: Google (GOOG) explains how artificial intelligence becomes biased against women and minorities — Quartz
Believe the hype that AI can potentially boost your top and bottom line. Thirty percent of early AI adopters in our survey — those using AI at scale or in core processes — say they’ve achieved revenue increases, leveraging AI in efforts to gain market share or expand their products and services. Furthermore, early AI […]
Source: Why Understanding Morality is Key to Understanding Future With AI | Lets Talk Payments
Source: MEDICI Top 21 – AI: Unveiling the Leading Companies Applying AI to Build Next-Gen Financial Services Solutions | Lets Talk Payments
Getting the best results out of a machine learning (ML) model requires that you truly understand your data. However, ML datasets can contain hundreds of millions of data points, each consisting of hundreds (or even thousands) of features, making it nearly impossible to understand an entire dataset in an intuitive fashion. Source: Research Blog: Facets: […]
Lots of algorithms go bad unintentionally. Some of them, however, are made to be criminal. Algorithms are formal rules, usually written in computer code, that make predictions on future events based on historical patterns. To train an algorithm you need to provide historical data as well as a definition of success. Source: How can we […]
Agricultural tech startups have raised over $800M in the last 5 years. Deals to startups using robotics and machine learning to solve problems in agriculture started gaining momentum in 2014, in line with the rising interest in artificial intelligence across multiple industries like healthcare, finance, and commerce. Source: AI, Robotics, And The Future Of Precision […]