Tomorrow’s businesses won’t thrive without AI. In one form or another, competitive organizations are already using artificial intelligence to automate tasks, improve efficiencies, or drive more revenue. For sales and marketing teams, AI and its subfields have finally fused science into the art of selling. Natural language processing (NLP) for example, can help determine customer intent. Machine learning (ML) can recommend the best response for sellers, and A/B testing can identify the most effective playbook for a scenario or customer demographic. Indeed, the time for pitching AI’s business case in sales has long since passed. Instead, the moment calls for
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The traditional retail industry is undergoing a significant reinvention and upgrade as more and more brick and mortar stores boost business by adopting e-commerce platforms powered by cutting-edge tech.
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Could natural language processing help transform the way in which fact checking results are applied, flagging the individual sentences within articles that are false or misleading, rather than blacklisting entire Websites?
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Using Science4Data's Natural Language Processing and GetRisk.Info platform to analyze the Democratic Presidential Candidates. Full Story a
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The race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination is crowded and at the forefront of many conversations. Can a front runner emerge with cohesive political and popular support?
We use Science4Data’s GetRisk.Info platform to quickly identify important insights. Analysis Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, GetRisk.Info applies and calculates the PESTEL scope across broad media coverage of the race.
Using Science4Data's Natural Language Processing and GetRisk.Info platform to analyze the Democratic Presidential Candidates.
Click Here for the Top 10 Candidates Pestel AnalysisSourced through from:
The race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination is crowded and at the forefront of many conversations. Can a front runner emerge with cohesive political and popular support?
We use Science4Data’s GetRisk.Info platform to quickly identify important insights. Analysis Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, GetRisk.Info applies and calculates the PESTEL scope across broad media coverage of the race.
Natural Language Processing based chatbots can give the end users on the other side of the screen that they’re having a conversation.
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INN spoke to Rick Roche of Little Harbour Advisors about risk modeling, natural language processing and alternative data sets in investing.
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AI and ML can be used to further growth, retain staff and enhance the customer experience.
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New tools are bundling data cleanup, drag-and-drop programming, and the cloud to help anyone comfortable with a spreadsheet to leverage the power of data science.
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