June 5, 2020
Advanced Kotlin – Part 2
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2019-12-02 19:00:00, , American Express Technology
Content Categorization
/Science/Computer Science
/Computers & Electronics/Programming/Java (Programming Language)
Word Count:
Reading Time:
23.82 min
Reading Quality:
16th or higher
The resulting decompiled bytecode shows the difference between these 2:
public final class SetParamAnnTest {
private String myStr;
These target values along with the placement of the annotation are used to pick a default use-site target for an annotation if one is not specified.
If there's more than one applicable target either @param (constructor parameters), @property , or @field are used, in that order.
Let's see an example of this.
public final String getName() {
Lazy var1 = this.name$delegate;
KProperty var3 = $$delegatedProperties[0];
return (String)var1.getValue();
The resulting decompiled bytecode is as follows:
public final class Person {
@NotNull private final String first;
@NotNull private String last;
Setter Parameter use-site targets
As mentioned above, you can use @setparam to add annotations to setter parameters.
Let's compare @set and @setparam in the same example so you can clearly see the difference.
annotation class SetParamAnnotation
annotation class SetAnnotation
kotlin, android
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