2021-08-17 00:00:00, , source

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/Sports/Team Sports/American Football
/News/Sports News

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Reading Time:
4.15 min

Reading Quality:

13th to 15th

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Brett Favre featured in powerful new PSA begging parents to keep children out of tackle football until age 14 to lower CTE risk

16 high school football players have been diagnosed with CTE, and all but one started playing tackle football before age 14

(BOSTON) – The Concussion Legacy Foundation (CLF) released a gripping PSA today featuring Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre that begs parents to wait to enroll their children in tackle football until age 14.

"It's time to accept that CTE is not just a risk for professional and college football players, but also for high school players, and the best way to prevent CTE among football players is to delay the introduction of tackle football to reduce the number of years played."

The PSA shows a precocious young child begging his parents to delay signing him up for tackle football until he turns 14 because of the risk he may develop CTE.

15 of the 16 players with CTE started playing tackle football before age 14.

The odds of developing CTE may increase by 30% per year of tackle football played, according to a 2019 Brain Bank study of 266 deceased football players published in Annals of Neurology.

According to the CDC, in flag football a typical youth player will receive about 8 head impacts a year, while in tackle they will receive 378.

You can watch the PSA here.

The PSA aims to educate parents on research showing that their child's odds of developing CTE double every additional three years they play tackle football.

"Having kids play tackle football before high school is just not worth the risk," said Favre, who started in a record 297 consecutive NFL games over 19 seasons and is widely regarded as the toughest man to ever play the game.

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