2021-03-22 00:00:00, Sophie Hardach, BBC

Content Categorization
/Reference/Language Resources

Word Count:


Reading Time:
14.97 min

Reading Quality:

13th to 15th

Media Sentiment
Proprietary sentiment analysis on both the headline and body text of the article. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative sentiment) to 1 (very positive sentiment).
RCS Analysis
Relative scoring for Risk, Crisis, and Security language within the article.
Risk Score
Scoring based on the composite risk, security and crisis language within an article compared to a baseline of historic analysis across thousands of diverse articles.
Analysis of article orientation across the PESTEL macro-environmental analysis framework. Learn more about PESTEL.
Entity Word Cloud
Key people, places, organizations and events referenced in the article, weighted by frequency and colored based on contextual sentiment.
Auto Summary
Condensing key features of the article based on salience analysis. Helpful for “gisting” the article in a time crunch.

The languages that defy auto-translate(Image credit: Seyllou/Getty Images)There are more than 7,000 languages in the world, 4,000 of which are written.

But many other languages still defy machine translation, including languages spoken by millions of people, such as Wolof, Luganda, Twi and Ewe in Africa.

The European Parliament alone produces a data trove of 1.37 billion words in 23 languages over a decade.

No such data mountain exists, however, for languages that may be widely spoken but not as prolifically translated.

But this amounts to a narrow dataset, and is not enough to train accurate, wide-ranging translation robots.

Google Translate currently offers the ability to communicate in around 108 different languages while Microsoft's Bing Translator offers around 70 languages.

They, too, want access to urgent information in other languages – not for espionage, but to improve their everyday lives.

"When this Covid-19 pandemic happened, there was a sudden need to translate basic health tips into many languages.

ARTICLE, story, future, language

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