2020-07-28 00:00:00, JJ Kinahan, Forbes

Content Categorization
/Business & Industrial
/News/Business News/Financial Markets News

Word Count:


Reading Time:
10.33 min

Reading Quality:

13th to 15th

Media Sentiment
Proprietary sentiment analysis on both the headline and body text of the article. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative sentiment) to 1 (very positive sentiment).
RCS Analysis
Relative scoring for Risk, Crisis, and Security language within the article.
Risk Score
Scoring based on the composite risk, security and crisis language within an article compared to a baseline of historic analysis across thousands of diverse articles.
Analysis of article orientation across the PESTEL macro-environmental analysis framework. Learn more about PESTEL.
Entity Word Cloud
Key people, places, organizations and events referenced in the article, weighted by frequency and colored based on contextual sentiment.
Auto Summary
Condensing key features of the article based on salience analysis. Helpful for “gisting” the article in a time crunch.

After a Goldman Sachs


(GS) analyst raised AMZN's target price to $3,800, shares rose nearly 8% but didn't quite reach the all-time high of $3,344.

The company has made acquisitions and partnered with different types of industries, from self-driving vehicles to health care to fintech companies in an attempt to spread its global reach.

AWS provides web services to a very diverse customer base which includes just about every vertical business segment-health care, financial services, energy, government agencies, educational institutions, non-profits.

He stressed the importance for organizations to have access to dependable and secure computing power especially when it comes to health care, online learning, and remote work environments.

And let's not forget, as enterprise customers accelerate their migration to the cloud, AWS faces tremendous competition from companies such as Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOGL) who both have a piece of the cloud pie.

q2 earnings, earnings season, amzn q2, stock market, retail earnings, e-commerce, amazon, bezos, amazon earnings, amzn, amzn earnings, cloud service

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