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OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been making headlines in the AI community for its impressive natural language processing capabilities. However, not everyone is convinced that it represents a significant scientific breakthrough in the field of AI.

Yann LeCun, a renowned AI researcher and professor at New York University, has been vocal in his criticism of ChatGPT. He argues that while it is a notable achievement, it does not represent a major breakthrough in AI research. LeCun also emphasizes that OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is now focused more on product development than research and development.

Another prominent AI researcher, Andrew Ng, has spoken out against a proposed six-month moratorium on AI testing. Ng argues that such a moratorium would stifle innovation and hinder progress in the field.

Despite these criticisms, LeCun predicts that the free circulation of research will lead to the development of programs that may surpass ChatGPT in capabilities. He also expresses concern over the growing trend towards secrecy in AI research, emphasizing the need for open research.

In fact, LeCun predicts that other programs will soon surpass ChatGPT in capabilities. This could be bad news for OpenAI, which has been the subject of scrutiny recently. The US Federal Trade Commission has been asked to investigate the company and suspend its commercial deployment of large language models.

Both Ng and LeCun express concern over the proposed AI testing moratorium. They argue that it is important to continue pushing the boundaries of AI and exploring its potential applications.

While ChatGPT has certainly been impressive, it is not necessarily a major breakthrough in the field of AI. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of natural language processing, we can expect to see even more impressive developments in the near future.