Malware in encrypted traffic uncovered with machine learning

Machine learning may have enabled detection of malware using encrypted traffic, but some worry the technique could be modified for malicious use.

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By |2017-06-22T20:31:37-05:00June 22nd, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |

Machine learning and AI is changing how data science is leveraged

Machine learning drives digital transformation, and across industries and business processes, this helps delivers data-driven predictions

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By |2017-06-22T07:07:50-05:00June 22nd, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |

Help EFF Track the Progress of AI and Machine Learning

The field of machine learning and artificial intelligence is making rapid progress. Many people are starting to ask what a world with intelligent computers will look like. But what is the ratio of hype to real progress? What kinds of problems have been well solved by current machine learning techniques, which ones are close to being solved, and which ones remain exceptionally hard? There isn’t currently a good single place to find the state of the art on well-specified machine learning metrics, let alone the many problems in artificial intelligence that are still so hard that there are no good datasets and benchmarks to keep track of them yet. So we are trying to make one. Today, we’re launching the EFF AI Progress Measurement experiment, and encouraging machine learning researchers to give us feedback and contribute to the effort.

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By |2019-06-21T16:30:28-05:00June 21st, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |

Machine Learning Is Helping Martech Lead the AI Revolution

Machine learning (ML) promises new insights into the complex interactions between digital devices and their owners, writes Devin Guan, CTO of Drawbridge.

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By |2017-06-20T08:27:32-05:00June 20th, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |

3 Massive Big Data Problems Everyone Should Know About

The amount of data collected and analysed by companies and governments is goring at a frightening rate. This new big data world also brings some massive problems. Are you happy to trade your personal data for some convenient services, have it stolen or used against you?

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By |2019-06-21T16:30:30-05:00June 20th, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |

Google Open Sources More, Machine Learning Computer Vision Technology

The technology released to pen source includes an API that researchers can use to explore a Google computer vision system that automatically detects and identifies objects in an image.

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By |2019-06-21T16:30:30-05:00June 19th, 2017|Categories:|Tags: |