With all the work you’re doing to create a humanlike persona for your AI, the last thing you want to do is break the spell with a lapse into botlike behavior — especially in the form of intrusive marketing. You might want to build your AI to offer tips and suggestions, but I would advise that […]
shows the limits of relying purely on statistical machine learning. “At some point, we have to admit that we need a little bit of semantics and a little bit of syntactic knowledge in these systems in order for them to be fluid and fluent,” says Hammond. Source: An Algorithm Summarizes Lengthy Text Surprisingly Well – […]
If there is one word that the enterprise wants to be associated with, it’s “productive.”
Sourced through Scoop.it from: venturebeat.com
This Spark Streaming blog will introduce you to Spark Streaming, its features and components. It includes a Sentiment Analysis project using Twitter.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.edureka.co
Artificial intelligence has a huge potential to reduce time and improve efficiency in legal work. On the litigation side, natural language processing (text analytics) can summarize thousands of pages of legal documents within minutes – a task that might take a human counterpart several days to complete – while reducing the probability of error. As […]
The 2015 World Economic Forum, underlined the concept of blockchain as one of the six future megatrends for the next decade. A possible impact on transaction activities is that none of these are likely to become a reality unless governments and businesses adapt quickly to the new platform. This would likely facilitate automated processes using […]
Using in-depth analysis of blockchains through the data they produce and pattern recognition across thousands of interactions, it may be possible to identify nefarious users and those you should avoid doing business with. It is the equivalent of credit checks on a credit card, making sure that the actions are legal and genuine. This kind […]
We have blockchain tech’s promise of near-frictionless value exchange and artificial intelligence’s ability to accelerate the analysis of massive amounts of data. The joining of the two could mark the beginning of an entirely new paradigm. We can maximize security while remaining immutable by employing artificial intelligent agents that govern the chain. With more companies […]
The hype of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to grow with an ever widening mind gap between those who have expectations of a pending singularity versus those who are attempting to make use of AI tools.
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RT @EdKwedar: Peter Principle: The Destroyer of Great Ideas…and Companies | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #BigData | https://t.co/eObFH23AVj https…
Sourced through Scoop.it from: iot.sys-con.com
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