Unlike IBM’s Watson, which had a pre-determined purpose, DeepMind is more open-ended, and is also comparatively simpler to use than its competitors because of its deep learning capabilities. An example of this is that the system was given several vintage video games to play with no prior input. The early results were obviously poor, but […]
T here is an abundance of choice for remote sensing software. This list of 10 free applications describes what each one brings to the table. Source: 10 Open Source Remote Sensing Software Packages – GIS Geography
Vertical AI startups solve full-stack industry problems that require subject matter expertise, unique data, and a product that uses AI to deliver its core value proposition. Source: Five AI Startup Predictions for 2017 — Bradford Cross
Artificial intelligence is no longer the sole domain of tech companies like Google, Facebook, IBM, and Amazon. Recognizing the potential of exponential technologies like AI and bots, creative agencies Source: Common misconceptions brand executives have about AI
At JPMorgan Chase & Co., a learning machine is parsing financial deals that once kept legal teams busy for thousands of hours.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.bloomberg.com
In the workplace, artificial intelligence is evolving into an intelligent assistant to help us work smarter, transforming our lives at home and at work. Artificial intelligence is not the future of the workplace, it is the present and happening today.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.forbes.com