Helbiz partnership AI

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Helbiz, a global leader in micro-mobility services, has announced its partnership with OpenAI to incorporate the advanced technology, ChatGPT, into multiple departments of the company. This marks the initial phase of a comprehensive approach to incorporating artificial intelligence, as Helbiz remains steadfast in its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological progression.

The integration of OpenAI’s technology is aimed at improving first-touch communication and automating the majority of standard tickets with personalized and human-like handling. ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model, will allow for a better understanding of natural language and context, enabling Helbiz to personalize its responses to customers and provide more relevant and accurate information in real time.

With ChatGPT, Helbiz’s customer service and relations department will be able to handle more interactions with increased efficiency, reducing operational costs while increasing customer satisfaction. This integration will identify and summarize patterns of issues and directly inform the relevant parties internally to more quickly address any potential areas needing attention from operational, administration, or software teams.

The integration of OpenAI’s technology is expected to provide Helbiz with increased operational efficiency and decreased operational costs, resulting in improved user satisfaction and margins. CEO Salvatore Palella states that “With ChatGPT, we will be able to provide our customers with the highest level of service and support, while also reducing our operational costs.”

OpenAI’s technology will be launched in a few key cities and scaled across the Helbiz platform globally in the close future. This integration represents a significant stride towards utilizing AI across all customer touchpoints and operations, making it easier for customers to find the information they need and have their queries resolved promptly.

Overall, the incorporation of OpenAI’s technology into Helbiz’s operations is a testament to the company’s commitment to using and developing the latest technologies to enhance the customer experience. The integration of ChatGPT will allow Helbiz to provide a more seamless and efficient service to its customers, making it easier for them to find the information they need and have their queries resolved promptly.