2020-06-11 10:01:14, By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times

Content Categorization
/Law & Government/Public Safety/Law Enforcement

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Reading Time:
3.56 min

Reading Quality:

11th or 12th

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"If you kneel, you'll be risking being … thrown out of the lodge," he added.

Catanzara said he's taken up his stance because many of the protesters are calling to defund or even abolish police departments in the wake of Floyd's death.

"Specifically this weekend.

(Natasha Moustache/Getty Images)

"I don't really think we should credit those kinds of really unfortunate comments," Lightfoot, who has long been a critic of the Chicago police union, told the news outlet, without elaborating.

We don't follow the unhealthy trend in today's media environment of agenda-driven journalism and instead use our principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light.

I'm going to guess nothing because the mayor supports this kind of stuff," Catanzara remarked.

In recent days, other police union officials have spoken out against a perceived growing antipathy towards officers following Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody.

"I'm not going to dignify them with any further response," she added.

Catanzara, meanwhile, faced criticism several years ago after he posted a photo of himself in uniform supporting President Donald Trump, the Second Amendment, and standing during the national anthem.

Officers who take a knee, he said, are on the other side of the political spectrum and should also face criticism.

"Well that's a political stance.

union, THE EPOCH TIMES, police

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